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Posted by: Bob Cozzi
Rogue Programmer
Cozzi Productions, Inc.
has no ratings.
Published: 29 Jun 2015
Revised: 09 Jul 2015 - 3211 days ago
Last viewed on: 22 Apr 2024 (4245 views) 

Using IBM i? Need to create Excel, CSV, HTML, JSON, PDF, SPOOL reports? Learn more about the fastest and least expensive tool for the job: SQL iQuery.

QADBXFIL vs SYSTABLES Published by: Bob Cozzi on 29 Jun 2015 view comments(1)

I had recently switched to using SYSTABLES in QSYS2 exclusively for checking for a file existance (using SQL) and/or translating a LONG FILE NAME to its SYSTEM NAME. SYSTABLES is great for that purpose.

However it was not long before I found out that SYSTABLES does NOT include all files on the system. It includes RELATIONAL DATABASE FILES. That is, file created with SQL DDL or IBM i DDS. Therefore files created without DDS (such as Legacy file or file created with CRTPF and a RCDLEN but no DDS) are NOT including in SYSTABLES. So I was getting a false response (file name not found) but the file actually existed.

So I've started using QADBXFIL in QSYS which has been there a while and includes the LONG FILE NAME to SYSTEM NAME conversion I needed. It turns out it includes all objects of type *FILE regardless of how they are created. So I've switched to it.

Initially, I started using the QDBRTVSN (Retrieve Short Name) API, which as the name implies, returns the "short" name or System Name for objects with long names. And issue I had with it, is that it doesn't work with DDM files nor with Remote Database connections. So I had to go with a table-based approach.

Therefore starting today, I now use QADBXFIL in QSYS (which is a Logical View) to perform these tasks.

One other thing I found; if the file is an SQL VIEW, there is a field in this file that contains the actual SQL VIEW statement used to create the View (the first 5000 characters of it anyway). So that may be helpful for something.


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Posted by: avrSteve
Premium member *
Posted: 8 years 9 months 15 days 11 hours 57 minutes ago

The view defitiniton column is helpful if you have UDF's embedded in views & you need to change parameters to the UDF. Doing a sql LIKE against the column you describe saves a lot of pain. I needed to change a UDf & had trouble finding the views that use the UDF and after snooping around came up woth the stmnt below.